Do Air Purifiers Make You Healthier? - An Expert's Perspective

The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has conducted several studies that have revealed a strong correlation between air pollution and health. In a review of eight studies, the EPA reported a statistically significant improvement in respiratory health and in allergy or asthma symptoms. In another EPA research review, 10 of the 11 studies showed a statistically significant improvement in cardiovascular health with the use of air filters. Research has also shown that reducing the intake of PM2.5 particles through the use of air purifiers and HEPA masks can dramatically reduce the chances of getting diabetes.

Studies have demonstrated that breathing less air pollution can help significantly lower blood pressure to healthier levels. Even small decreases in the pollution of the air you breathe can have a significant impact on blood pressure. Poor air quality in the office can degrade employees' cognitive abilities, productivity and work efficiency. Lowering PM2.5 levels in an office with a powerful HEPA air purifier can increase productivity and reduce sick days.

HEPA air purifiers are highly effective tools for eliminating airborne viruses and reducing the risk of contracting a virus. CDC research shows that HEPA filters reduced the spread of COVID-19 in schools by 41%. Before certifying the products, they undergo numerous tests to ensure that air purifiers remove most of the harmful particles. In air purifiers, air is first filtered with a thick prefilter and then with a Rota filter, in which small dust particles are captured when turning at high speed.

If you also want to avoid odors and gases, try air purifiers with HEPA and activated carbon filters. Having an air purifier in your home doesn't have many drawbacks, aside from the financial investment. Adopting good cleaning habits and reducing potential sources of pollution can also help make indoor air cleaner. Yes, air purifiers capture a high percentage of allergens and irritants in the air that flow through filters.

When buying an air purifier, it's crucial to check certain factors, such as HEPA filtration and ACH ratings. To further improve indoor air quality, take other steps, such as cleaning them regularly, growing indoor plants, and maintaining adequate ventilation. Some companies claim that their air purifiers can help you breathe better, prevent airborne viruses, improve sleep and skin, and even increase your life expectancy. In fact, airborne particles are so small that they penetrate the blood-brain barrier, affecting brain and cognitive functions.

The particles present in air pollutants cause oxidative damage to the respiratory tract, causing inflammation, remodeling and a greater risk of sensitization. The World Health Organization (WHO) fact sheet on PAH and health states that 3.8 million premature deaths annually are attributed to exposure to air pollution in homes.

Trudy Wainright
Trudy Wainright

Food guru. Proud twitter scholar. Certified tvaholic. Certified food enthusiast. Hipster-friendly tea buff. Typical introvert.