Can HEPA Air Filters Help Stop the Spread of COVID-19?

When used correctly, air and HVAC filters can be a great tool in reducing airborne contaminants, including viruses, in a building or small space. However, relying solely on air filtration is not enough to protect people from the novel coronavirus. A recent study conducted in a hospital full of COVID-19 patients has confirmed that portable air filters are effective in removing SARS-CoV-2 particles from the air. This is the first evidence of its kind in a real environment, and it suggests that air filters could be used to reduce the risk of patients and medical personnel contracting SARS-CoV-2 in hospitals.

The World Health Organization (WHO) has also released a scientific report recognizing that the virus can spread through the air in crowded indoor spaces. If you are looking for ways to protect yourself and your family from the virus, you should read the Environmental Protection Agency's (EPA) “Home Air Filter Guide” for information on how to place and operate a portable air filter. Additionally, if your company has the necessary resources, you can combine a HEPA filter with other technologies such as germicidal UVC light, which will help destroy germs suspended in the air as they pass through the air conditioning system.

Trudy Wainright
Trudy Wainright

Food guru. Proud twitter scholar. Certified tvaholic. Certified food enthusiast. Hipster-friendly tea buff. Typical introvert.