What is a Medical Grade Air Purifier and How Does it Help?

Medical-grade HEPA filters are thick, pleated mechanical air filters that capture 99.97% of unwanted particles in the air. The folds create a barrier of fibers that are arranged randomly and are used to trap contaminants such as dust and dirt. Hospital air purifiers provide better filtration than HEPA to create the healthiest indoor air quality possible. These air purifiers are equipped with additional filters with which the purifiers Standard residential air systems cannot compete. Use commercial air purifiers for offices, medical centers, dental offices, sitting areas, and other places that need the cleanest indoor environments.

Medical HEPA filters are the most effective method of air filtration. While true HEPA filters are rated from H10 to H12, HEPA filters that are considered to be medical grade are classified as H13 filters. These can remove up to 99.995% of particles down to 0.1 microns. As with True HEPA, medical-grade filters must be rigorously tested before experts give them this classification. Medical air purifiers can remove more particles than standard HEPA H11 or H12 filters, which are often used in residential environments.

An air purifier for medical use can be of great help for people who suffer from asthma, COPD, immunosuppressed or any medical problem that requires clean air free of viruses, bacteria or small harmful particles. The main filter they use is HyperHepa, which undergoes rigorous quality control. Each filter is first tested at the factory to ensure that they provide 99.97% of clean air and, if they fail, are not sent to the customer.

What Are the Benefits of Medical Grade Air Purifiers?

Medical grade air purifiers offer a number of advantages for those who need clean air in their homes or workplaces. First and foremost, they provide superior filtration compared to standard residential air systems.

This means that they can remove more particles from the air, including viruses and bacteria. Additionally, they can help reduce allergens in the home or office, making it easier for those with allergies or asthma to breathe. Other rooms will have different air change objectives depending on the level of risk; you can see a full list of air change requirements at the CDC. The medical air purifier manages to keep the air in the space clean through an air filtration system that continuously purifies the air in outer space through the air intake and filter, and then returns the clean air to the room.

What Are Smart Air Purifiers?

Smart Air is a social enterprise certified as B-Corp that offers simple and practical air purifiers and offers free education to protect people from damage caused by air pollution. First, UV (or UV-C) lights installed on air purifiers are too weak to kill viruses, and UV lights can also damage filters HEPA from the purifier. However, Smart Air is the only air purifier company committed to transparent communication through open data.

For those with a medical condition, it's worth investing in an air purifier that uses filters with HEPA H13. This certification demonstrates that the filter has been thoroughly tested in a controlled environment and effectively removes 99.97% of particles as small as 0.3 microns from the air.

What Is a Medical Air Purifier?

Generally speaking, medical-grade air purifiers are devices that can be used in hospitals and clinics. For non-scientists, these machines trap and remove small, unpleasant contaminants from the atmosphere in your home, leaving you with fresh, clean and healthy air.

Trudy Wainright
Trudy Wainright

Food guru. Proud twitter scholar. Certified tvaholic. Certified food enthusiast. Hipster-friendly tea buff. Typical introvert.