What is the Merv 13 Equivalent Rating? A Comprehensive Guide

When it comes to air filters, the MPR 2800 is equivalent to the MERV 13 rating. But is this enough to provide adequate protection? The MERV 13 filter has a minimum efficiency of trapping less than 75% of air particles between 0.3 and 1.0 microns in size. However, if you increase the size range of air particles to 3 to 10 microns, the MERV 13 filter will capture 90% or more of them. So while upgrading to a MERV 13 is a step in the right direction, it may not be enough for your needs. Commercial air purification manufacturers, such as ISO-Air, often recommend adding portable HEPA air purifiers for commercial use with the appropriate ACH (hourly air change) for each space.

A HEPA filter with a MERV 17 rating will trap 99.97% of air particles with a size of 0.3 microns, and even more of particles smaller or larger than that size. This is far more efficient than what a MERV 13 can do. When buying a new air filter for your boiler or air conditioner, it's important to understand the different ratings and their implications. The Minimum Efficiency Reference Value (MERV) rating system is used to measure the effectiveness of an air filter in trapping airborne particles. The higher the MERV rating, the more efficient the filter is at trapping particles. A MERV 13 filter will trap less than 75% of air particles between 0.3 and 1.0 microns in size (the coronavirus measures 0.1 microns).

If you want the filter to improve indoor air quality and not just protect the heating and air conditioning system, choose the MERV-13, FPR-10, MPR-1900 or higher.

What Does MERV 13 Mean?

The acronym MERV stands for Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value and it is used to measure how effective an air filter is at trapping airborne particles. The higher the MERV rating, the more efficient the filter is at trapping particles. The MERV 13 rating means that it will trap less than 75% of air particles between 0.3 and 1.0 microns in size. However, if you increase the size range of air particles to 3 to 10 microns, the MERV 13 filter will capture 90% or more of them.

What Are The Benefits Of A MERV 13 Filter?

A MERV 13 filter offers several benefits over lower rated filters:
  • Improved Air Quality: A MERV 13 filter will trap more airborne particles than lower rated filters, resulting in improved indoor air quality.
  • Reduced Allergens: MERV 13 filters are effective at trapping allergens such as dust mites, pet dander, pollen, mold spores and other airborne contaminants.
  • Reduced Energy Costs: MERV 13 filters are more efficient at trapping airborne particles than lower rated filters, which means they require less energy to operate.


The MERV 13 rating is an effective way to improve indoor air quality by trapping airborne particles such as dust mites, pet dander, pollen, mold spores and other contaminants. It also offers energy savings by requiring less energy to operate than lower rated filters. When buying a new air filter for your boiler or air conditioner, it's best to check the MERV rating and choose one that meets your needs.

A MERV 13, FPR-10, or MPR-1900, or higher may be necessary if you want improved indoor air quality.

Trudy Wainright
Trudy Wainright

Food guru. Proud twitter scholar. Certified tvaholic. Certified food enthusiast. Hipster-friendly tea buff. Typical introvert.