What is the MERV Rating Equivalent to HEPA Filters?

HEPA filters are the highest quality air filters available, with a MERV rating of 17 or higher. This rating is capable of trapping 99.97% of air particles with a size of 0 or 3 microns, and an even greater percentage of particles smaller or larger than that size. The Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value (MERV) is a standard used to measure how effectively an air filter prevents dust and other contaminants from passing through it and entering the air stream. MERV values range from 1 to 16, with higher ratings being more effective at trapping small particles. It is important to note that using an air filter with a MERV rating higher than that recommended by the manufacturer of your boiler or air conditioner can affect its performance.

Additionally, the FPR rating only considers the filter's ability to capture or remove 0.3 to 1 micron particles, while the MERV rates a filter's ability to trap microscopic and macroscopic particles. In general, filters with a MERV rating of 16 or lower are suitable for residential, commercial and general hospital use. However, it is difficult for many existing HVAC (heating, ventilation and air conditioning) systems to adopt a MERV 13 due to the increased load on the fan due to the finer filter medium, which can actually reduce airflow if the system is not designed to handle that type of filter. Considering the threat posed by the spread of COVID-19 and other germs, changing a building's air filter to a HEPA is a much more effective step than simply using a MERV 13. This is because HEPA filters are far more efficient than MERV 13 filters at capturing particles as small as 0.06-0.12 microns. In conclusion, HEPA filters are the ultimate solution in the world of air filters and far exceed what a MERV 13 can do. They are rated equivalent to MERV 17 or higher, making them highly effective at trapping dust and other contaminants from entering the air stream.

Trudy Wainright
Trudy Wainright

Food guru. Proud twitter scholar. Certified tvaholic. Certified food enthusiast. Hipster-friendly tea buff. Typical introvert.