Where Should You Not Place an Air Purifier?

When it comes to air purifiers, there are certain places where you should not put them. Heat sources, areas with high humidity, and behind furniture or other obstacles are all places to avoid. It is also essential to consider the source of air pollution in the room when deciding where to place an air purifier. Wall-mounted air purifiers are practical but not as effective in circulating air, and you should never place an air purifier that does not use a suitable True HEPA filter in a room exposed to allergens, mold spores, or similar contaminants.

To ensure optimal performance, follow the manufacturer's recommendations for maintenance and cleaning. In general, it is best to place air purifiers in dry, well-ventilated areas where they can effectively capture contaminants and provide clean, healthy air. Keep your device at least 6 inches away from walls, furniture, or other objects while in use. Placing an air purifier in the living room can help remove pollutants from dirty air and reduce the risk of respiratory problems. Placing the air purifier in the bedroom can help filter out allergens and create a clean atmosphere before bed.

A small air purifier on the desk of an open office is also a good option. If you need to use an air purifier in a humid environment, choose a model specifically designed for this purpose. If possible, avoid placing air purifiers in very humid places and make sure to take these precautions when choosing an air purifier: select a model that is quiet and uses a suitable True HEPA filter. By following these tips and advice, you can ensure that your air purifier works at its best and provides you with the cleanest air possible.

Trudy Wainright
Trudy Wainright

Food guru. Proud twitter scholar. Certified tvaholic. Certified food enthusiast. Hipster-friendly tea buff. Typical introvert.